
Protect Your Brain Now!!

Now you must protect your brain from bad habits like:
1. Overeating
2. Smoking
3. High sugar consumption
4.No breakfast
5. Air pollution
6. Sleep deprivation
7. Working your brain during illness
8. Head cover during sleeping
9. Leaking simulating thoughts
10. Less reading


Seven Ways to Sleep Better

1. Establish a sleep schedule:
    You can set your brain like "alarm clock". In many cases people wake up early a second before alarm
     clock ringing

2. Limit bedroom activities;
Watching TV, problem solving with your spouse and even reading are make you not enough rest. Use your
    bed to sex and sleep.

3. Separate sleep from wakefulness

4. Regulate your body heat.
We can control our body with exercise and yoga 20 minutes or more about five hour before bedtime may encourage sleep.

5. Skip Caffeine, Cola and Chocolate :

6. Avoid Alcohol:

It not help us fall asleep.

7. Screen out nocturnal noises


Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships are fun and make you feel good about yourself. You can have a healthy relationship with anyone in your life, including your family, friends and dating partners. Relationships take time, energy, and care to make them healthy. The relationships that you make in your teen years will be a special part of your life and will teach you some of the most important lessons about who you are. This guide was written to help you understand different kinds of relationships, what makes each relationship special, and how to communicate in a positive way. We have included common stories and fun ways to work on many kinds of relationships.

What makes a relationship healthy? (read more...)


Aktiviti yang anda boleh buat untuk membakar kalori!!

1. Mengelap lantai 20 minit
62 kalori = epal merah saiz sederhana

2. Menari 30 minit
Menari perlahan ikut muzik kegemaran anda.jangan 
sampai terkehel pulak!!
terbakar 155 kalori = 1 keping kuih lapis

3. Berkebun selama 45 minit
Dapat menggerakkan otot dan tak payah beli sayur di pasar.
284 kalori akan terbakar = 1 keping apam balik

4. Berjalan santai selama 30 minit
Senaman ringan dan meneangkan fikiran.
87 kalori akan terbakar = 1 keping jeruk betik

5. Berjalan pantas selma 1 jam
Bagi mereka yang malas nak berjogging.
Membakar 222 kalori = 6 cucuk sate ayam

6. Memasak
Selama 30 minit akan membakar 68 kalori
= 1 sandwich sardin
(jangan pila masak berlebihan!!)

7. Berbasikal seperti trend terkini!!
60 minit akan membakar 192 kalori
= 1 keping kuih seri muka

Wokay!!! Kalau anda nak terus sihat, boleh lakukan aktiviti di atas.
Tubuh yang sihat adalah harta yang palinh berharga!!